Thursday, July 4, 2013

Capes & Crowns- 2013 Pottery Barn Mystery Box Challenge WINNER!

   Giddy. Honored. Blown Away. A couple of days ago Pottery Barn announced Capes & Crowns as the winner of their Mystery Box styling challenge!!! I simply can't find the words that even come close to adequately expressing just how much this means to me. I worked so hard on this set up and so did my talented vendors. The contest was a long two weeks. I learned alot during that time. The biggest lesson is one that really warms my heart. I have very supportive fans that enjoy my interaction with them and love my work. They didn't mind my constant promoting because they knew it was a big deal to me. I broke my own rules participating in a voting contest. I really don't like them at all. They are stressful and often times end up being a popularity contest. I have two reasons for taking the leap..number one its freaking Pottery Barn lol! The second is that I believed in what I created. I styled my setup with Pottery Barn's classic, clean lines and I felt it really represented their brand. I also refused to let my vendors down knowing they all worked so hard on the items they created for my setup.  My vendors mean so much to me. Not just the ones on this shoot but all the vendors I've worked when in the past as well. I wish it was possible for me to fit everyone in on one shoot but its just not. I try to even things out each time though so everyone gets at least one of the bigger opportunities just as a thank you!
   Another thing that surprised me was learning that there was a lack of support among many of my party peers. I even had two or three promote the competition...the worst part is that it was people I'd worked with before. Talk about shocking. I watched many of the things I'd been privately warned about unfold before my very eyes. Tragic. Was I surprised? Not exactly. While I may be semi "new" to partyland I'm not at all new to human nature. When people resent another persons opportunity the "ugly" can come out.  It doesn't apply cross the board though. The ironic part is watching kudos being granted to the "inner circle" for everything trivial under the sun to show "support" of one another but let someone else come in and accomplish something wonderful and its so quiet you can hear a pin drop. Such is life. I will always speak freely. I will always operate MY page the way I see fit in accordance to my brand and my fans. The frequent promotional posts really bothered some fellow party peers during the contest. I understand they can be redundant but so can endless give a way posts but you dont see many complaints there. Not sure if people are aware but they can actually unfollow/unlike if my page is not a good fit for their news feeds. It won't hurt my feelings at all :) I a very genuine person in how I conduct myself. You wont find me reaching out or trying to make new connects with party people in the middle of a contest. Its not my style because it looks like what it is. I'd rather have 200 REAL fans then a huge number following.  I'm not discouraged however, just the opposite. I'm been extended an opportunity with Pottery Barn and I can't wait to see their fall line and find out what exactly I will be doing with them. I'll be sure to share for you guys that support and encourage me! I didn't mean to go off on a tangent but I have to be real with myself and my readers. This was very much a team effort. I managed to win without submitting to party blogs or using party politics. I don't do this for income. I'm not even taking clients at the moment. I do it for art. I love it. Period. That freedom in itself allows me to fully embrace my style regardless of what is marketable. It also allows me to be a little more honest and true. If you are here to show support I thank you from the bottom of my heart..if not thats ok to. I still wish everyone well in what they pursue. Party on! :)


  1. First of all...CONGRATS!!! I am so excited for you and I can't imagine how you got by all those days being in limbo with that contest! As far as the other part, that is so unfortunate! It's amazing how you think people who are part of your reliable network disappear when you need them most! I came in late to the game and tried to help the most I could, but I'm so happy you won in the end! :)

  2. So excited for you Lauren and I love your {realness}!!! You are amazing at what you do and I don't know of a more deserving individual!!! I know the post may have seemed a bit repetitious to some, but the great Muhammad Ali once stated that it's the repetition of affirmations that leads to belief. And once that belief becomes a deep conviction, things begin to happen. You have a great fan base that affirm and believe in you and because of that you were able to make things happen!!! Thank you for being an excellent example of how to make {Big} things happen!!!

  3. Congratulations! Your work is gorgeous and I am happy for you.

  4. I'm reading this post again over two years later and it sinks in more than ever. At the end of the day you created all of this. With the love and support of family, friends and some talented vendors. I admire your honesty and dedication to remain true to your style and your vision. Haters gonna hate girl just keep brushing them off!
